These three words pretty much sum up the amazing work TimberLab Solutions are creating.
In 1958 Grant McIntosh and family started McIntosh Timber Laminates, later to be re-named TimberLab Solutions. Sadly in 2020, Grant passed away leaving a huge gap but the mahuetanga he leaves is amazing. Grant was a true man of foresight, he already had a succession plan in place, and what a succession plan it is!
Darren Stead now carries on TimberLab’s fine reputation and tradition of pushing the boundaries of engineered wood structures.
Call up TimberLab, and you will be greeted by the dulcet tones of a proud Yorkshiremen. That’ll be Darren, a genuine and intelligent leader who does not miss a beat with a sharp sense of humour and deep industry knowledge. There is no hint that behind Darren’s calm and friendly manner he’s orchestrating a very busy operation and award-winning global company.
Sequal has been partnering with TimberLab for many years and we are in awe of the approach they take to each project. They lead in innovation and style, bringing to life construction projects around the world, all while holding on to a strong focus on sustainability.
From bridges in Qatar to shopping malls in New Zealand, TimberLab not only produces strong and innovative solutions but statements of true beauty that showcases the leading edge of architectural splendour achievable in engineered wood.
Well done Darren and the team at TimberLab.
Check out more of their amazing work at