Bringing our purpose to life is something that gets us up in the morning and what’s more rewarding what we can to make a difference (no matter how big) to the lives of people in our community.
In partnership with YWAM and the Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora, we were fortunate enough to have the Trinity Koha Dental Clinic in town again recently. We know there is a serious need for affordable dental care in the Kawerau community and were able to see first-hand how this dental clinic could deliver real relief to those living with acute oral pain or infection, leaving them feeling more confident and have one less thing to worry about.
A team of volunteer dentists, dental assistants, and pastoral care support workers served the Kawerau (and wider) communities by delivering free dental care to over 100 patients over the course of the week. We spoke to some of the patients and heard how they had previously been living with chronic pain and the sense of a relief they felt having it gone. They were also grateful for the education given around oral health and tips and tricks to better look after themselves and their whanau in future.
Whilst the borders are now open and off-shore missions will resume, the YWAM team are passionate about continuing these regional services to our most vulnerable and have clinics planned elsewhere in the wider Bay of Plenty between now and the end of the year.
We’re proud to partner with YWAM and are super grateful for the work the team are doing to bring relief to so many in our community. Thanks to Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora for hosting us and enabling the Kawerau clinic to be delivered through use of their space and facilities.
In future we will continue to back great community-focused projects delivering real benefits to our people… what’s not to love about projects like this?! … and when you’re part of a community you’ve got to look out for it!