NZTE producing the goods yet again…

Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing.” With our commitment to giving more comes a commitment to being curious, questioning and challenging ourselves (and the norm) every day to find ways to do better, and be better… to never stop learning.

A like-minded business whom we are lucky enough to have alongside us has this philosophy down pack. NZTE’s purpose, to grow “companies internationally, bigger, better and faster, for the good of New Zealand” inspires them to keep pushing to bring a little bit of New Zealand to the world…

We were fortunate enough to be given an incredible opportunity recently to accompany the NZTE Better By Design Study Tour to New York and San Francisco to learn from the very best in business. Julia joined the tour as part of a New Zealand contingent lead by NZTE’s Better By Design team to gather ideas and gain a real-life perspective of how the best of the best adapt and transform in today’s ever-changing global environment. Our challenge now is how can we translate these ideas into our language and use them on our journey to give more; to our people, to our customers, and to the future.

NZTE do an amazing job in supporting us and this is yet another example of them going over and above to support the growth of New Zealand businesses. A once in a lifetime experience brought to us by a fantastic team – we recognise the hard work and long hours that have gone into bringing this experience to life, and are extremely grateful to have been part of it!
